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Showing posts from July, 2020

Healing Isn’t Suppose To Be Normal (7 min)

If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it should be: “Even normalcy has an expiration date.” This year has brought forth much emotion across the entire globe. Together the world has experienced the indirect destruction of COVID19 & possibly the end of society as we once “knew” it. Many people have lost loved ones as a direct effect of the unrelenting virus. Others were forced to place their business ventures on hold, while many business Owners live on the very brink of indefinitely closing what they have built over decades. Without a doubt, I can openly say, “2020 has been anything, but “normal.”” As the last several months have passed, each month more peculiar than the last, I began to look over my life.  Here I am, sitting at my favorite table, in my favorite writing space, quarantined. In the house with nothing but time to reflect & visit or should I say to ‘revisit’ my past.  Am I healed & as grounded as people have described me to be, or am I internally...